Year: Apr – Jun 2020

Instrumentation: Solo B-flat Clarinet

Duration: 7:45″


I Blue-Sky Sprites & Sundogs
II Cherry Petal
III Scamper
IV Sun Cathedral
V A Sea of Emerald Blades
VI Bumble
VII In heaven, I shall go dancing

Performance History: Movement III, Scamper, commissioned by BBC Radio 3 as part of their Audio Postcards scheme. Broadcast three times on May 4th 2020. Performed by Francesco Paolo Scola of the Ulster Orchestra, who requested the composition of further movements, leading to this suite of pieces. Full suite premiered by Leonie Bluett of the Crash Ensemble at the Hugh Lane Gallery on 2nd July 2023. Second performance at the ClarinetFest 2024 in Dublin by American clarinettist Daniel Becker.

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